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finished chest pic 
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i my right shoulder sits a lot lower than my left so it looks off however the tattoo is centered to my body.
1 Photos

I saw this on Dave's MySpace today. It's freaking sweet!

10/30/2006 5:33:51 AM

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[Comment deleted]

10/30/2006 5:34:12 AM

67 Photos

I like the colors, although the design itself is kinda lame.

10/30/2006 5:34:39 AM

234 Photos

haha crooked nipples

10/30/2006 5:39:35 AM

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[Comment deleted]

10/30/2006 5:44:35 AM

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[Comment deleted]

10/30/2006 5:48:13 AM

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[Comment deleted]

10/30/2006 5:59:42 AM

36 Photos

actually i have nothing holding my shoulder in the socket. i have had several operations and it is pretty much a lost cuase. you can look at my shoulders and see that the right one sits about three or more inches lower than the left. its not a really a crooked photo which is what you are alluding to with your photoshopped bs. look at my ac joint on the right shoulder, and try to have more common sense. we took a long time getting it leveled out correctly on my chest. if it were "nipple even" haha the whole image would be sidways when compared to my head stomache and body.

10/30/2006 7:07:55 AM

57 Photos

should get a new shoulder offn a cat

10/30/2006 7:12:00 AM

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look at how it is magically even with my face. and also notice the huge dent where my right shoulder should reside. have a nice day.

10/30/2006 7:13:12 AM

36 Photos

this would actually be more like it....if your going to photoshop shat.

10/30/2006 7:32:15 AM

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[Comment deleted]

10/30/2006 7:47:10 AM

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^wow. im sure mr. interwebs is right and my life is ruined. haha.

10/30/2006 8:00:10 AM

1 Photos

who is mr. interwebs? lol

this thread wins bc i got you to photoshop your nipples

[Edited by Lysander on 10/30/2006 5:13:16 AM. Reason for edit: =]

10/30/2006 10:11:27 AM

234 Photos

why must you be so asymmetrical?!?!

10/30/2006 4:33:52 PM

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I played football and hockey for eight years and it cought up with me.

10/30/2006 4:51:22 PM

131 Photos

Arguing with PersonwithBrad'sOldSN is like arguing with a bitter, crotchety old man.

PersonwithBrad'sOldSN, stop being a douchebag. <3.

[Edited by CallMeEleanor on 10/30/2006 12:36:09 PM. Reason for edit: jesush.]

10/30/2006 5:03:16 PM

36 Photos

^how can you argue with a person that has nothing? ive heard that the most dangerous people in life are the ones with nothing to lose.

10/30/2006 5:08:07 PM

234 Photos

lysander != brad

also you need to take a full body shot of the tat, with your head, arms, and stomach in it. i really want to see how this lines up.

[Edited by Trillian on 10/30/2006 12:22:28 PM. Reason for edit: arrghhh]

10/30/2006 5:20:29 PM

131 Photos


I don't keep up with the internet.

10/30/2006 5:38:26 PM

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I wouldn't put that much effort in someone I've never met.

10/30/2006 5:49:18 PM

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calm down everyone, i'm just playing around

it was just funny how you preemptively declared how the tattoo is PERFECTLY MATHEMATICALLY ALIGNED WITH YOUR BODY before anyone even made a post. it's like you couldn't handle it if it was slightly off, it is and has to be perfectly symmetrical to the point where you're photoshopping your faulty body parts to fit the tattoo's perfect alignment. lol

10/30/2006 6:09:18 PM

17 Photos

i'm sure he could handle it but just didn't want a slew of comments declaring it. i'd have done the same thing.

10/30/2006 7:55:49 PM

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^^you're an idiot. i said it was centered. not mathmatically. you did. also, no matter what something is going to look off due to my surgeries(oooh shit i can't handle it). I thought that I would clear it up for intelligent people that might be wondering. i posted the pic so that people who have been asking for straight on shots of it can see it. i was joking when i put up my photoshopped pic. you took too much time out of your miserable life to even change your avatar. just remember down the road not across the street bro.

ps, id say that you'll most likely end up building my house someday, however your math skills clearly need some work after looking over your shoddy photoshopping.

[Edited by chase on 10/30/2006 4:33:01 PM. Reason for edit: s]

10/30/2006 9:31:24 PM

1 Photos

see how worked up you got over it? holy shit. that's what's hilarious about it. your tattoo is like your weakness.

oh really, you didn't say "PERFECTLY MATHEMATICALLY ALIGNED?" man, it's like i was exaggerating with those caps or SOMETHING. you really are dumb as a fucking brick aren't you. and for the record you brought this on yourself.

"you took too much time out of your miserable life to change your avatar" - coming from the guy who took too much time out of his life to photoshop his nipples to "prove" a point. gg. oh wait "i was joking." orly, and i'm totally fucking serious as a heartattack when i changed my avatar.

"just remember down the road not across the street bro." see, now, i've been trying to figure out where that came from, then i realized you have an IQ of like 50, and you use that insult whenever you draw a blank for a relevant one.

i'll be building your house someday orly? judging by my "math skills" from drawing a few blue lines on a picture? great, another irrelevant "comeback" i have to make sense of. seriously man, read some career brochures or something. and oh noes, don't call my photoshoppings shoddy! i took so much time and care into those blue lines ;_; teach me the ways of cutting nipples and using the fill tool, plz

get the fuck over it bro, you can't have a tatoo "centered" to an asymmetrical body, so just accept it. either the tattoo is crooked, or you're crooked, but neither are aligned with the other, so pick one. don't be so goddamn stick-up-the-ass. it's hilarious that you're so obviously self-conscious about it...maybe you shouldn't have gotten it done in the first place. hurrr! wait, you know tattoos are permanent, right?

yo mamma

10/31/2006 4:56:06 AM

21 Photos

i'm going to go ahead and respond to you with your own words.

quote :

you can't have a tatoo "centered" to an asymmetrical body, so just accept it.

quote :

don't be so goddamn stick-up-the-ass.

you seem to be overly concerned with bodily perfection and it's really showing in a bad way.

10/31/2006 5:06:03 AM

234 Photos

i still think you're cuet even though you're all askew'd

10/31/2006 5:24:51 AM

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i'm not going to defend why i say or do things

10/31/2006 5:26:34 AM

21 Photos

good. post that pic of you with the wings.

10/31/2006 5:27:48 AM

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whos pissed now? down the road not across the street means killyourself. my iq is low? i said from the beginning my body was shoulder is fed you not understand this? all the more reason in my mind to get whatever tattoo i want and slap it on my chest. but since you prolly don't have any yourself....or if you do prolly really bad try to make me feel bad. i had it drawn up and created for me. why would i let an insignifigant interweb weasel make me regret it?

[Edited by chase on 10/31/2006 3:59:56 PM. Reason for edit: z]

[Edited by chase on 10/31/2006 4:05:19 PM. Reason for edit: zs]

10/31/2006 8:58:23 PM

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i think your chest is sexy and its unfortunate that the internet is the only medium through which someone would talk shit or else theyd get beat

11/1/2006 10:48:18 PM

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^^ what you don't get is i wasn't SERIOUSLY TALKING SHIT TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. i'm joking about the fact that a crooked tattoo would drive anyone crazy. i'm well aware that no human body is perfectly symmetrical and no tattoo on anyone will ever be perfectly symmetrical. that's why it's hilarious to see someone get upset over it. don't the comments HINT that i'm kidding? "imo you should claw it off your chest" cmon now, fuck.

^ and you, e-sidekick, funny how most internet conflicts end with IF I COULD ONLY BEAT THEM UP IRL GODDAMMIT. how pathetic. gg, trade in your computer for a neanderthal club. would you really want to kick someone's ass for saying your tattoo looked crooked? jesus man, what kind of abusive family were you raised in. did your father beat you unconcious if you spilled his bourbon? play the thread over like a conversation and you'll see how fucking ridiculous it is. and for the record people have been talking shit long before computers were invented. also people have learned to brush off remarks that weren't worth getting upset over.

11/2/2006 3:00:49 AM

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youre touching on a sensitive subject, but id love to tell everyone on the internet about my feelings

[Edited by Whatisusf on 11/1/2006 10:06:34 PM. Reason for edit: ds]

11/2/2006 3:04:45 AM

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11/2/2006 3:08:45 AM

37 Photos

macros are the best internet invention

11/2/2006 3:09:23 AM

21 Photos

i like where this just u-turned

11/2/2006 6:19:11 AM

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