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that's alot of beer 
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443 Photos

i look scurred and confused...

5/26/2006 11:11:37 PM

67 Photos

God damn, Coors Light is fucking piss.

5/29/2006 2:24:07 AM

293 Photos

I promptly switched them over to Bud Light

5/29/2006 2:28:57 AM

67 Photos

God damn, Bud Light is fucking piss.

5/29/2006 2:34:24 AM

6 Photos

what brad said

5/29/2006 3:57:37 AM

1 Photos

i have a mich ultra in my hand thank you very much

5/29/2006 3:52:37 PM

6 Photos

lol that's quality beer right there

5/29/2006 6:51:58 PM

47 Photos

Random'd... is that Alan in the top left skankin' it up?

2/4/2008 8:22:04 PM

146 Photos

On my gf

2/4/2008 9:31:48 PM

80 Photos

lol, mike's face...

2/4/2008 10:03:00 PM

47 Photos

^^That's your gf?

2/5/2008 1:55:26 PM

80 Photos

ball & chain ;)

2/5/2008 3:30:26 PM

1 Photos

I want those two to have my babies.

2/5/2008 6:18:08 PM

21 Photos

a lot of beer? maybe, but hardly $5 worth.

2/7/2008 7:23:41 AM

90 Photos

A six pack of beer is about 7 bucks and Smirnoff's are almost 8. Just a rough estimate.

2/8/2008 4:49:30 AM

231 Photos

^i'm falling in love.

2/8/2008 9:23:49 AM

47 Photos

^get in line.

2/8/2008 2:18:10 PM

394 Photos

which bar can you get 11 beers for $5?

2/8/2008 2:42:30 PM

21 Photos

sorry, i've been drinking a lot of high life lately... but that's mostly coors light, assholes. that shit is cheap. but not bad.

^ wtf are you talking about bar? this looks like it's in a fucking basement

2/8/2008 5:13:35 PM

47 Photos

11 beers for $5?

I don't think you can get that anywhere outside of some "nickel beer night" or similar promotion. Good counting though. I thought you were retarded at first.

[Edited by volcomdiablo on 2/8/2008 5:49:38 PM. Reason for edit: b]

2/8/2008 5:48:08 PM

21 Photos

a 12-pack of cheap beer is like $6. my estimate may have been bad, but i wouldn't call it awful. i can't remember how cheap packs of coors are. i only buy blue moon and high life lately.

2/8/2008 7:59:41 PM

93 Photos

i'm not much of a beer person, but these beers are worth it
1. Sam Adams Hefeweizen
2. Floris Apple (you can get this at the Dunderbaks in the university mall, although it will run you about 8 bucks a bottle...
3. Amber bock...

2/8/2008 8:14:15 PM

47 Photos

quote :

Schlitz, zits, and tits.

2/8/2008 8:23:25 PM

80 Photos

quote :

wtf are you talking about bar? this looks like it's in a fucking basement

this was at the old dallas bull

2/8/2008 10:07:47 PM

90 Photos

quote :

sorry, i've been drinking a lot of high life lately... but that's mostly coors light, assholes. that shit is cheap. but not bad.

High Life and Natty Ice, the drink of broke ass college students and homeless people mmmm heh. But I understand where your mistake came from now.

2/8/2008 10:19:32 PM

21 Photos

i'm not broke, like i said i buy blue moon too, i just like beer so much that i don't mind the taste of high life if i just wanna get drunk on something other than liquor.

2/9/2008 4:12:56 AM

93 Photos

^you know, i love high life when its cold as hell

2/9/2008 5:20:36 AM

21 Photos

i can't drink anything really cold..

2/9/2008 8:55:24 AM

90 Photos

I like everything cold including coffee and tea. Matches my cold cold heart.

2/9/2008 5:20:25 PM

21 Photos

that explains why you're a cold cold tart.

2/10/2008 6:09:35 PM

90 Photos


2/11/2008 5:41:07 AM

21 Photos

as long as you're aware of your cold cold part.

2/11/2008 5:44:28 AM

47 Photos

quote :

Matches my cold cold heart.

Cartman: Alright, you asked for it. I'm afraid you leave us no choice. It's time for Plan B.
Stan: Aw, really?
Tweek: Oh God, no! Not Plan B! [Lucas looks at the boys quzzically]
Cartman: [beat] You have a heart made of ice, Mr. Lucas, and so we're goin' tuh melt your icy heart... with a cool island song. Gentlemen? [the boys reach for the left side of their bodies and rip off their clothes. Underneath they wear colorful Latin outfits and grin.]
George Lucas: [confused] ...What??
Cartman: Hit it, Tweek! [Tweek goes over to a boombox and presses the play button, then returns to the group. Caribbean music plays] In the tropical isle with the coconut tree, there's a lots of-
Stan: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I thought we were gonna cool his hot heart with a cool island song.
Cartman: ...No, he has an icy heart.
Kyle: ...But you can't melt ice with a cool song, 'tardheart.
Stan: So we have to warm his icy heart with a "hot" island song
Cartman: It's a cool island song.
Kyle: Well then we're gonna end up freezing his hellish heart with a cool island song.
Cartman: Oh, do we wanna do that?

2/11/2008 2:20:09 PM

707 Photos

I'm turned off by how much Alan and Will are hanging all over these girls...

2/11/2008 3:20:59 PM

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