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4 day rations 
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293 Photos

how do they have "New!" classic pepperoni?

3/21/2006 1:00:42 AM

44 Photos

The old pepperoni's had like shredded pepperoni's on it. This is actual slices. Pretty damn good for as cheap as they are.

3/21/2006 1:04:11 AM

28 Photos

No tto sound old, but are they still 4 for $5?

3/21/2006 1:57:38 AM

3 Photos

Hell yes bagel bites!!!

3/21/2006 3:16:09 AM

101 Photos

tempted, but I can't eat like that anymore.

*I always enjoyed the supreme.

3/21/2006 3:23:23 AM

44 Photos

always 4 for 5 at publix. thats how i stay alive.

ps: i didn't miss the joke. i'm not a fucking idiot. i realize the irony.

[Edited by Heath on 3/21/2006 2:01:17 AM. Reason for edit: stupid girls.]

3/21/2006 7:00:05 AM

35 Photos

^Good luck with that english major ;)

And don't forget to supplement the 8 bottles of liquor with the hundred or so beers we drank.

[Edited by DannyPrice on 3/21/2006 4:59:08 PM. Reason for edit: booze]

3/21/2006 5:08:43 PM

44 Photos

I drank my share.

3/22/2006 6:34:34 AM

1 Photos

Umm...wooo stereotypical "woo college" picture?

3/22/2006 1:08:03 PM

133 Photos

i got the shits just looking at all that. those pizza's are pretty good, but combined with cheap vodka, its bound to go straight through ya.

3/22/2006 4:37:36 PM

131 Photos


3/23/2006 4:46:09 AM

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