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At the range... 
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1 Photos

i can get a whole clip inside the X at 6 yards ^_^

2/13/2006 8:27:00 PM

189 Photos

It was the first time I ever shot with one hand. The one up on the left, I was going for the 5.

2/13/2006 8:41:03 PM

189 Photos

^ What about me ass?

2/13/2006 11:19:38 PM

28 Photos

quote :

i can get a whole clip inside the X at 6 yards

A clip is something you put in your hair. A magazine goes in a gun.

This has been a public service announcement.

2/13/2006 11:21:03 PM

394 Photos

ehh I'm pretty sure the would be bad guy would be dead...

2/13/2006 11:26:31 PM

1 Photos

quote :

A clip is something you put in your hair. A magazine goes in a gun.

a clip is also a device that loads catridges into a magazine. either way, i used it wrong. but either way, you think it only has one definition.

2/14/2006 12:24:28 AM

28 Photos

This is my rifle, this is my gun

This one's for fighting, this one's for fun.....

2/14/2006 2:47:22 AM

110 Photos

quote :


A clip is something you put in your hair. A magazine goes in a gun.

This has been a public service announcement.

I put clips into my M1 Garand, and my Steyr M95

2/14/2006 6:58:46 AM

44 Photos

At 300 meters using a G3 automatic weapon I had 10-48...which translates 8 bullets in the center (5 points) and 2 on the next circle (4 points). Highest possible was 10-50.

2/14/2006 7:03:25 AM

110 Photos

u are also talking about a scoped rifle vs an unscoped handgun. the g3 was in semi auto mode for you to be making those shots.

2/14/2006 7:42:27 AM

89 Photos

quote :

The one up on the left, I was going for the 5.

"Who, that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy."

2/14/2006 7:46:47 AM

1 Photos

^haha...i was thinking that the moment I saw this

2/28/2006 3:38:14 PM

13 Photos

bastard tried to shoot his conscious too?

2/28/2006 4:32:31 PM

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