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Gallery » Beth002
Me and my HOTT friends at the Dish!! 
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28 Photos

no do have hot friends!
you're quite the cutie yourself

8/25/2005 5:56:35 AM

0 Photos

yep they all get both T's

8/25/2005 6:42:44 AM

120 Photos

Would it be ok if I came out w/you girls sometime?!

8/25/2005 7:28:47 PM

57 Photos

^out of the closet

8/25/2005 7:41:04 PM

30 Photos

def all hott


8/25/2005 8:09:16 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Damn, I'm not in this one either, where the hell am I? Oh yeah at work

8/25/2005 10:56:42 PM

293 Photos

I'm assuming that this is e-game:

quote :

Would it be ok if I came out w/you girls sometime?

But honestly, do you all go to the Dish often? I keep wanting to go, but every friend that has promised to go with me has ended up having something come up. I guess that one of my friends will be back from Europe on Saturday so she'll probably go, but if not I'd love to come check it out with you all. Just let me know, you can probably catch me on AIM or e-mail:

8/25/2005 10:57:58 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

All this subtle e-game is cute, but I know for a fact that my Beth likes a guy who takes charge...

8/25/2005 11:00:48 PM

0 Photos

i'll take charge of all this "want to go to the dish" crap. the dish sucks a fat one in hell. nice atmosphere though.

8/26/2005 1:30:26 AM

293 Photos

^^^ I'm really not looking to get laid by any of those girls, I just want to go with someone to the Dish and every time I've tried to go something comes up.

8/26/2005 1:37:24 AM

105 Photos

Hahah omg- so first of all I don't like a guy who takes THAT much charge- second of all- the dish is AMAZING! I love that place- and Nikki I know you were working and you missed out!! But we'll go again! I love you!!!

[Edited by Beth002 on 8/25/2005 9:17:15 PM. Reason for edit: changed a word]

8/26/2005 2:12:40 AM

39 Photos

yo chris, i know these lovely ladies, in fact beth is going to play coed soccer with me...u wanna join me?

8/28/2005 3:07:44 AM

94 Photos

Hey Beth, let's go out on a date. You will be wined, dined and fucked from behind.

[Edited by BMack on 8/27/2005 10:40:40 PM. Reason for edit: [*kidding*]

8/28/2005 3:11:49 AM

120 Photos

Yeah... count me in for soccer Joe... we gotta win both Men's and CoEd!!

8/30/2005 8:31:37 PM

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