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119 Photos

KingPin where you @ ?

I am going to be there this Friday

5/5/2005 10:27:32 PM

40 Photos

pretty =0)

5/5/2005 11:06:45 PM

271 Photos

^^Ohh...a Martini Bar! I would love to check out this place.
I can't this Friday (tomorrow) since I'm going away for the weekend and I fly out right after my last exam. How about next weekend?

5/6/2005 2:06:00 AM

37 Photos

finally.. that place couldnt have been here long! Tampa needed a martini bar..
Although the one in St. Pete is known to be the hot spot..

5/6/2005 3:00:34 AM

271 Photos

Anyone wanna go next Friday?

5/6/2005 3:15:45 AM

1 Photos

<--- Has never had a martini.

5/6/2005 3:33:06 AM

37 Photos

omg!! Next friday I am leaving for Vegas! But that means I cant go .

5/6/2005 3:35:56 AM

97 Photos

I'm there.. every friday! great place!

5/6/2005 3:36:08 AM

37 Photos

everyfriday? wow, thats some dedication.

5/6/2005 3:43:58 AM

97 Photos

lol.. im stretching the truth.. i've been there these past 2 fridays.. lol

5/6/2005 3:49:10 AM

37 Photos

ah.. more like it

5/6/2005 3:50:54 AM

97 Photos

I love vegas!... and well more the reason for you to come tomorrow haha

5/6/2005 3:52:02 AM

37 Photos

haha.. i would
butttt i have to work

5/6/2005 3:54:39 AM

97 Photos

man.. they must work you hard where u work at.. lol.. even at midnight ?

whats ur aim? we should keep this convo off here lol

[Edited by IceBurn on 5/5/2005 11:00:40 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/6/2005 3:55:21 AM

37 Photos

i work till late but maybe when i get back, I might go with some friends

5/6/2005 3:56:31 AM

97 Photos

good good! glad to hear

5/6/2005 3:57:10 AM

271 Photos

Yea, tomorrow I'm off to New Orleans, but any other Friday would be excellent.
Tell me more about this place, I'm interested.

Nikita- when do you want to go?

[Edited by KingPin on 5/5/2005 11:09:31 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/6/2005 4:07:51 AM

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