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Gallery » Brugger
Ensign Brugger 
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37 Photos

Hottie.... woot woot

4/10/2005 4:33:16 PM

Cute N Confuzd
95 Photos

Congrats Crazy!

4/10/2005 6:34:28 PM

130 Photos

u look like u need some sunglasses

4/10/2005 7:09:03 PM

44 Photos

it was def. sunny out when this photo was taken...

Crazy? Don't you mean squid!??!

4/10/2005 11:08:15 PM

1 Photos

"What a semen!"

That's what all the ladies say...

4/11/2005 4:02:09 AM

271 Photos

Aye Aye, Sir! Well done!

4/11/2005 5:02:40 AM

136 Photos

Wow! That was taken almost a year ago!!! Miss ya Bruggs!

4/11/2005 5:53:42 AM

119 Photos

[Edited by DGPrincess85 on 5/8/2005 1:27:33 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/11/2005 2:31:31 PM

6 Photos

[Edited by LoveNhoneY on 5/1/2005 6:31:23 PM. Reason for edit: :)]

5/1/2005 7:31:28 PM

the big o
43 Photos

is that an officer ranking? im in the USCG, only an E3 rite now, but ensigns in the CG are pretty high up there...dont know how that equates with the navy, but regaurdless, that kicks ass.

5/15/2005 7:29:43 PM

44 Photos

Indeed, I'm an O-1 Ensign in the USN.

E-3, isn't that a Seaman?
How long have you been active and what are you doing now!??!

5/16/2005 10:07:08 PM

44 Photos

I'll be sure to have some updated pics soon to come.
So Andrea... you won't have to look at this old pic any more. And the khakis aren't too flattering either.

7/9/2005 11:18:39 PM

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