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one of my best friends in highschool had a 67 Chevelle SS with a 396 in it. It was a lot of fun to work on and drive until his mom kicked him out of the house when he was 18 and sold his car cause it was in her name

1/12/2004 9:38:18 AM

101 Photos

396 bad ass engine......

1/12/2004 2:56:56 PM

2 Photos

I couldn't agree more!

1/13/2004 11:32:48 PM

94 Photos

A friends former shop/teammate has a `71 chevelle with a 400 block its badass, its got nitrious(poor man's supercharger) and it ran a 5.01 in the 1/8 at sunshine speedway, I'm not sure if hes still running it but if you see a pro street yellow chevelle with "ACME racing tampa's fastest street cars and trucks" on the rear window, then ummm yeah, its him.

1/14/2004 1:16:27 AM

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