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7 Photos

Did you know those things are bad for your health? If not now you do.

7/13/2004 5:54:12 PM

120 Photos

who cares its not about your health Cigars are Grrrrreeaattt!

7/13/2004 6:24:49 PM

37 Photos


i'm very angry with you.

7/13/2004 6:25:48 PM

61 Photos

This is coming from the guy that likes to eat cats.
Why are you angry with me Jess?

7/13/2004 6:27:11 PM

37 Photos

i'm still with the traditional cuban-american school of thought that you really really shouldn't support cuban commerce.

they're dying over there because of castro and you're ignoring it with illegal cigars.

7/13/2004 6:35:18 PM

61 Photos

First of all, I didn't see anyone dying over there. They're not killing each other over there either, or as malnourished as they are in most 3rd world countries. I don't support Castro's regime but Cuba is doing a lot better than most countries in Latin America. The reason they are not doing as good as they could be is because of the stupid embargo the U.S. has on Cuba. The fact is, that the more amount of money that goes into Cuba is going to help the Cuban population eventually. Yes, it will keep Fidel in power, but there's not much we can do about that. Besides, the embargo has been enforced for over 44 years and Fidel is still in power. It's obviously not working.

7/13/2004 6:49:55 PM

37 Photos


7/13/2004 6:51:56 PM

61 Photos


7/13/2004 6:56:48 PM

1 Photos

you know gabe is right!

7/15/2004 9:50:35 PM

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