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Swing dancing 
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6 Photos

Dude, I want to swing dance.

5/29/2006 5:17:25 PM

1 Photos

that looks like SO much fun!
^hope, need a partner?

[Edited by HpNoTiQHoNeY on 5/29/2006 12:57:25 PM. Reason for edit: speeling]

5/29/2006 5:57:12 PM

241 Photos

Every Sunday night off of Dale Mabry.

Go here..

5/29/2006 6:18:59 PM

17 Photos

you ever bump into a baldie named james there?

5/29/2006 6:27:19 PM

241 Photos

There are so many people there. I get introduced to at least five people each day. I might know better if you had a picture to back up with his name.

5/29/2006 7:02:38 PM

6 Photos

Do they teach you how?

5/30/2006 12:29:24 AM

1 Photos

is that zendah grotto? I miss going dancing.

5/30/2006 6:59:38 AM

241 Photos

^^Yes. There are two separate dance lessons. One is at 6pm, one at 7pm, then 8pm to about midnight or later (depending) is dancing. It's $6 for the whole night with your Student ID, $7 without.

^Yes, it's at the Grotto

[Edited by theawesomemissy on 5/30/2006 10:24:23 AM. Reason for edit: ?]

5/30/2006 3:23:27 PM

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