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Galleries » Desiree [Profile] Page 1 [2] 

she bangs, she bangs!
Views: 524
Comments: 1
Last: 12/19/2004

Girls just wanna have fu-un
Views: 507

Views: 491

Spice up your life
Views: 568
Comments: 1
Last: 12/7/2004

Whiskey park ZTA
Views: 557
Comments: 1
Last: 12/10/2004

Big n lil Lindseys
Views: 544

Hey Thats me!
Views: 686
Comments: 8
Last: 2/20/2005

Oh again
Views: 613
Comments: 2
Last: 1/18/2005

My Baby!!!
Views: 518

Views: 568

Loyel (and me)
Views: 557

Fin hilarious
Views: 531

sheena and des #2
Views: 550

ana and pat
Views: 522

wow..ease up there
Views: 531

aww sheena and my nm boys
Views: 568
Comments: 3
Last: 1/27/2005

Views: 502

Big hot tub= drunk people
Views: 604

Rich and I
Views: 522

Twinnies 1+2
Views: 571

hey there we are again
Views: 544

At ZTA Rock the boat
Views: 606

before adrias birthday
Views: 640

school boys and school girls
Views: 597

kristas 21st
Views: 550

my penguin
Views: 491

Views: 503

zeta zeta zeta tau alpha
Views: 580

Galleries » Desiree [Profile] Page 1 [2] 

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